達文西未解密碼 蒙娜麗莎只因肥喵而笑
Mar 28th 2015, 04:32

時尚圈近年愛搞Kuso,例如先前將HERMES品牌名字變成HOMIES,然後把品牌Logo馬車變成了汽車,一度成為街頭潮流的熱門商品。日前《Hint Fashion Magazine》發表了由俄羅斯藝術家Svetlana Petrova創作的《Fat Cat Art》系列作品,該系列將眾多世界名畫Kuso變成肥貓版本,例如達文西的《蒙娜麗莎》被改成抱著肥貓,達利的《記憶的堅持》主角變成慵懶大貓,而克林姆的《吻》竟也變成肥貓被擁吻。

俄羅斯藝術家Svetlana Petrova重新詮釋超現實主義大師達利(Salvador Dali)名作──《The Persistence of Memory》(記憶的堅持)。翻攝Facebook/Hint Fashion Magazine

俄羅斯藝術家Svetlana Petrova重新詮釋古斯塔夫克林姆(Gustav Klimt)名作──《The Kiss》(吻)。翻攝Facebook/Hint Fashion Magazine

Raphael(拉斐爾)的小天使也變成有肥貓亂入。翻攝Facebook/Hint Fashion Magazine

James Abbott McNeill Whistler(惠斯勒)名作變成了有大肥貓的Arrangement in Grey, Black and Ginger No. 1。翻攝Facebook/Hint Fashion Magazine

藝術家Svetlana Petrova將Eugene Delacroix原作《Liberty Leading the People》改畫成肥貓當主角。翻攝Facebook/Hint Fashion Magazine

藝術家Svetlana Petrova顛覆了Claude Monet名畫,變成Bathing in a Pond of Water Lilies。翻攝Facebook/Hint Fashion Magazine

藝術家Svetlana Petrova顛覆了Sandro Botticelli名作《The Birth of Venus》。翻攝Facebook/Hint Fashion Magazine

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres作品被Kuso了,變成Deux Grandes Odalisques。翻攝Facebook/Hint Fashion Magazine

Michelangelo(米開朗基羅)的《The Creation of Adam》也沒躲過被Kuso命運。翻攝Facebook/Hint Fashion Magazine

藝術家Svetlana Petrova重新詮釋Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres拿破崙一世肖像名畫,變成Napoleon I as the Imperial Throne for the Cat,原作裡當然沒有這隻肥貓。翻攝Facebook/Hint Fashion Magazine

藝術家Svetlana Petrova顛覆許多世界名畫,包括Piero della Francesca作品,變成Portraits of the Duke and Cat of Urbino。翻攝Facebook/Hint Fashion Magazine

Rembrandt(林布蘭)作品《The Night Watch》(夜巡)也被重新詮釋。翻攝Facebook/Hint Fashion Magazine

藝術家Svetlana Petrova顛覆名畫變成Portrait of Cardinal de Richelieu with a Cat,17世紀法國畫家Philippe de Champaigne的原作裡只有人沒有貓。翻攝Facebook/Hint Fashion Magazine

藝術家Svetlana Petrova重新詮釋維梅爾(Johannes Vermeer)名畫,變成The Kitchen Maid and the Cat。翻攝Facebook/Hint Fashion Magazine




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